Health, Healthy Living, Learning

3 Surprising Things Your Smile Says About You

When you feel happy or amused, you smile. It’s an automatic reaction, and most of the time, you don’t realize it’s coming. Interestingly, there are things your smile says about you that you don’t even recognize. Every smile has a meaning, and it all depends on the situation, the context, and even who can see it.

3 Things Your Smile Says About You


It may seem like a strange pairing, but smiling and a woman’s fertility can be linked, according to studies. Those with healthier, pristine-looking gums and teeth tend to smile more, showing off their teeth for all to see. Those who have poor dental hygiene and might benefit from better dental care don’t smile as much because their teeth don’t look so great. 

This makes sense, but the interesting part of the study went on to say that those with gum disease took, on average, an additional two months to conceive than those women with healthy gums. Gum disease is also linked to type two diabetes, kidney disease, and lung problems. Visit your dentist regularly if you want to stay healthy and if you’re thinking of starting a family.   


According to the National Academy of Science, the bigger a teenager’s grin, the more money they will earn as an adult. This sounds like it couldn’t possibly be accurate, but it does seem to be the case. 

The happiest children earned around ten percent more than the average income by the time they turned 29. Those who looked miserable and didn’t smile much earned about 30 percent less than the average income. Why the difference? The study suggests that those who are happier and have fewer worries have more capacity to concentrate on a job. Plus, they will get along better with colleagues, and their boss will see them enjoying their work and promote them. 


Smiles can often be linked to social status. The most high-powered individuals, the ones with the best jobs, the ones who began the most successful companies, seem to be the ones who smile the most. Now, the question is, what came first; the power or the smile? Are they smiling because they’re powerful, or powerful because they’re smiling? It’s difficult to tell, although the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin’s research shows that it’s the smiling that makes the power. Since these people are great at interacting with others, it’s easier for them to get jobs or investments, for example. 

Things Your Smile Says About You

If you smile often, you likely have better opportunities in life. As your smile can indicate your power, wealth, and fertility, make sure your mouth and teeth look their best.
