We all want to raise responsible kids that help out, take care of things, and understand the value of money. Sometimes it’s hard to teach these concepts, though. In our house, we use a chore store to get the kids doing chores and learning about earning/spending.
The chore store is something that I set up once each week, usually on Saturdays. Throughout the previous week, the kids work to each chore store money. For each chore they do, they earn one chore store dollar. When Saturday rolls around, they can choose to save their chore money for something bigger, or they can cash it in on the items in the chore store.
Since the kids can earn one chore store dollar for each chore, they can choose how much they want to earn that week. It helps them understand that the harder they work, the more they get rewarded. If you don’t want to use chore store dollars, you can also use chore charts from Dollar Tree and implement a way to earn rewards from the chore store with the chart.
You can put anything in your chore store, as long as you know your kids will like it. I pick up small things to add to it when I see something I know they’d love, but I typically get most items from Amazon. I also go to Dollar Tree for multi-packs of items to include.
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What to Put in a Chore Store
The options for what to put in the chore store are limitless. I love browsing around for new items to add. Some ideas include:
1. Invisible Ink Pens
Kids love invisible ink pens, as they can pretend to be a spy or share secret messages with their friends. These pens were a hit in our chore store!
2. Play-Doh in the Chore Store
Play-doh is always a good option. No matter how careful you and your kids are, play-doh gets mixed together or dries out. When you keep play-doh stocked in the chore store, you won’t have to feel bad about throwing some away. I buy it in a 10-pack case for variety and excitement each time.
3. Pop Its
Fidget toys are super popular right now, with pop it’s being at the top of the list. These fidgets come in all different shapes and sizes, and your child will be excited to see them as a choice.
4. LED Lights
If my kids can save up the chore dollars, they can use them to buy bigger items. Sometimes I let them pick whatever they want on Amazon, but other times I keep items I know they’ll love in our store store. When they can see these bigger items, it encourages them to save up and work hard to get what they want. LED lights were a hit in my house.
5. Super Hero Capes and Matching Bracelets
These superhero capes and slap bracelets are perfect for your store. I love items like this because we can just throw them in the dress-up bin instead of having random little stuff laying around the house.
6. Kinetic Sand
Sensory play is always one of my favorites, and my kids love it, too. It’s easy to clean up and your child can do so much with it. These small, individual containers are perfect because you won’t have so much kinetic sand out at once. Plus, your child can choose it each time they earn chore store dollars.
7. Sand Art Kits
I was so excited to see these sand art kits on Amazon. As a kid, I loved sand art. I didn’t even realize they still made things like this!
8. Mini Animals Building Blocks Sets
If your child likes Legos, these are the perfect option for your chore store. The blocks are smaller than Legos, but they are still super cute. You can use them as a learning opportunity, too, if you teach your child about the animals they build.
9. Candy for the Chore Store
I don’t love including candy in your store, but occasionally I’ll add some. Ring pops are always a hit, so they are one of my go-to’s. I also add smarties and sour patch kids.
10. Make Your Own Bouncy Ball Kit
I love any toy that involves science and learning. These bouncy ball kits are so much fun, and they are easy to make. Then, your child can have fun with the ball they created, giving them positive feelings about learning.
11. Coupons
I love adding coupons to the chore store because it offers an experience rather than toys. You can print some pre-made coupons for your child, or you can create your own with paper and markers. Think about things your child loves to do, and create eye-catching coupons for them to purchase from your store. For some ideas of things to put on your coupons, check out this post – 15 Ways to Give Your Child the Perfect Day
12. Stickers in the Chore Store
My kids love stickers, and they are easy to find. I typically get the stickers from Dollar Tree, but you can pick them up pretty much anywhere. Target also sometimes has a good selection of stickers.
13. Crayons, Colored Pencils, or Markers
Crayons, colored pencils, and markers are always good options for the chore store. My kids love to have a fresh pack, so every couple of weeks they’ll choose these items. You can have fun with these items by including specialty packs or the mega box of crayons.
14. Books
We all want our children to read, but some books are expensive! I would never charge my child the same price for the book that I paid, but I still like to make them an option in the chore store. When your child gets to choose the book for themselves, they’ll be much more excited about it. Plus, the chore store is a fun treat so your child will associate books and reading with rewards.
15. Craft Supplies
Crafts are exciting, and they get your child’s mind going. When you see fun craft supplies while you’re out shopping, pick them up for the store. Your child will be so excited to see something new in there to choose from.

Using a Chore Store to Teach Responsibility and get Your Kids Doing Chores
Whatever items you decide to fill your chore store with, have fun with it! Be creative and choose items that you think your kids will be excited about. Anytime I see something that I think my little ones will like, I pick it up and add it to the chore store next time. My kids love seeing random little additions. What would you fill your store with? Leave a comment and let me know!
this is such a neat idea! i’ve never seen this before. but what a great & fun way to have them spend their chore earnings. thanks for sharing.
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