Gifts, Holiday

11 Gifts No One Wants to Get This Christmas

11 Christmas Gifts No One Wants to Get

Each year when Christmas rolls around we buy gifts for the people in our lives. We exchange gifts with our family members, friends, children, and parents. When it comes to giving gifts to those you are closest to, it’s a little easier to buy something you know they’ll like. Sometimes, however, the gift-giving occurs in a group gift exchange or among co-workers, and you may not know what to buy. When this happens, try to avoid buying the gifts no one wants to get.

In these cases, you usually don’t know what specific item to buy, because you either don’t know who will be receiving your gift or you don’t know the person well enough to make an educated decision. This leaves you searching for and buying a gift that most people would like. This can be tricky, as many commonly given gifts in these settings are gifts that no one actually wants.

Now I don’t know about you, but I love to give GREAT gifts. If I gave a gift that no one was excited about or that paled in comparison to the other gifts, I would feel terrible! I would be so embarrassed, and I would feel bad for the person who was stuck with it. No matter who is receiving your gift, you should make sure the gift will be loved so that no one is disappointed (including yourself!).

To help you out, I have compiled a list of the gifts you should avoid giving at Christmas time. Also known as The Gifts No One Wants to Get This Christmas.

11 Gifts No One Wants to Get for Christmas

1. A pet

Giving someone a pet as a gift may seem like a good idea, but it really isn’t. A pet should be personally chosen (by the pet owner) to ensure that there is a bond between the owner and the pet. By gifting a pet, you are giving the receiver a HUGE responsibility.

Welcome to the world of cleaning up after a pet, feeding, grooming, and paying vet bills. While this world is great, it should be something that the pet owner (or the gift receiver, in this case) chooses for themselves. Unless someone specifically asks for a certain pet, avoid this gift at all costs.

2. Exercise equipment

Exercise equipment is a gift no one wants for a couple of reasons.

First, it puts potentially unwanted pressure on the receiver. Either they feel pressured to begin working out, or they just got a gift that will collect dust. There is no in-between.

The second reason that exercise equipment is a bad gift no one wants is that it could be insulting to the receiver. They may feel like you are implying they need to lose weight, which you never want to do when giving someone a gift.

3. Anti-aging cream

Just like with exercise equipment, anti-aging cream could be unintentionally insulting to the receiver. This is a gift best left for personal purchase instead of as a gift.

4. Cleaning supplies

How exciting is it to buy cleaning supplies? Now, consider how fun it is to use or look at cleaning supplies? Not much fun, right? Think about that when you’re buying a gift.

Would someone be excited to unwrap a gift only to find all-purpose cleaner or sponges in the package? I wouldn’t be, especially if everyone around me was opening exciting gifts. If there is nothing pleasurable about it, don’t buy it as a Christmas gift.

5. Gag gifts

While everyone may get a good laugh out of a gag gift at first, it is going to quickly lose its charm. There isn’t much that a person can do with a gag gift, so it ends up being clutter or trash. You don’t want to give a gift that is never used and barely remembered.

Now, ignore this tip if the theme of your gift exchange is gag gifts. Also, ignore this if the gift exchange is between children because children do love a good whoopee cushion or bubble-gum zapper (their parents may hate you for it, though).

6. Lingerie

So, not only could lingerie be an embarrassing gift for the receiver, but it is also a gift that isn’t of much use. If a man gives a woman lingerie as a gift, he is essentially buying a gift for himself. Um, what?!

Men, don’t buy lingerie as a gift for women. Women, don’t give lingerie as a gift for Christmas, either. Save it for a bachelorette party.

7. Socks

Unless the person receiving the gift specifically asked for socks, don’t buy them as a gift. Socks are so impersonal, and it isn’t always very exciting. If you do buy socks as a gift, make sure they are high-quality, fashionable socks. Regular white socks from Walmart should not be a gift.

8. Fruitcake – Gifts no one Wants

I have never in my life met someone who actually likes fruitcake. Why is it still such a popular gift at Christmas time?! Please don’t.

9. Seasonal clothing

If you give someone a Christmas sweater or Christmas leggings as a Christmas gift, they will only be able to wear them that day and then not again until next December. Even if you give the gift a week early, the receiver will only get to wear it a couple of times before the Holidays are over.

10. Gift cards to expensive stores

Unless you are using a large amount of money to buy the gift card, the receiver may actually be inconvenienced here. If you give a $20 gift card to a store that only offers items that cost more than $20, you are forcing the gift receiver to pitch in money for their own gift. They can only use your gift at one store, but if they can’t even afford to buy one item with that gift card, it isn’t really a useful gift. See the problem?

When is a Gift Card Appropriate?

If you want to buy a gift card, make sure it’s to an affordable store or website and put enough money on it that the receiver can buy something without using their own money. Amazon gift cards are my favorite because the receiver of the gift card can literally buy ANYTHING.

11. A vacuum cleaner

If you have carpet in your home, you need a vacuum cleaner. This doesn’t mean anyone (even if they have carpet) wants a vacuum as a Christmas gift. You can say Merry Christmas in a better way than dishing out chores to the receiver. Unless someone specifically requests a new vacuum as a gift, don’t do it.

Gifts No One Wants

Some of the most popular gifts to give are gifts that no one really wants. You may be guilty of giving these gifts yourself. If so, don’t feel bad. Most of us have done it.

This year, avoid giving the worst Christmas gift by avoiding these 11 gifts no one wants. By figuring out which gifts people don’t want to get for Christmas, you have made your choice so much easier. Even if you don’t know what someone DOES actually want, your chances of hitting the mark are much better now.

What gift can you think of that no one wants to get? Better yet, is there a gift that you receive every year that you don’t enjoy? Tell me about it in the comments! Also, tell me what you do with the gifts that you didn’t want after you get them home.

Related post: 5 Tips to Get Away With Re-Gifting (Kidding, Kind Of)

11 Christmas Gifts No One Wants to Get
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8 thoughts on “11 Gifts No One Wants to Get This Christmas

    1. I knew I wasn’t the only one who did that! What are you really supposed to do with them afterward?

  1. I love this idea as a blog post! I agree with many haha, although I do love getting socks for Christmas, I think it’s because I always end up losing mine so I always need new ones!

    Chloe xx

    1. I can appreciate a good pair of socks, as well. I’m just not sure how excited I would be if I was gifted a cheap, uncomfortable, thin pair at a gift exchange. I lose my socks, too. It doesn’t help that my 14 year old steals them, too! Lol! Thanks for reading!

  2. Thank you for the article! I agree that you shouldn’t give a pet as a gift because a bond between the pet and the owner is really important. But the exception is if you want to give a pet as a gift to your child. I think then this is a perfect gift (of course, if the child really wanted it).
    I’ve received cleaning supplies and a vacuum cleaner as a gift. Maybe it’s not fun for most people but for me it was. I’m a real neat freak so these gifts give a pleasure to me. I think you just need to think about what kind of person the gift receiver is because what’s unnecessary for you might be fun for someone else.
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  3. I actually love getting socks for gifts – especially thick fluffy ones, long wool ones (winters are frigid here!) or functional black ankle socks. But most of the time, gifts of socks end up being cheap sets from the local dollar store, aren’t they?

    I might be in the minority here, but I would love exercise equipment – like an extra set of weights or a new yoga mat. But then again, most people who know me know that I’m also super into Pilates so….

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