Adulting, Health, Healthy Living, Mental Health

How to Keep Up with Your 4 Essential Health Appointments This Year

The past couple of years has been hugely different for most of us. The Covid-19 pandemic has altered our day-to-day lives. We’ve gone through lockdowns, periods of isolation, and months on end of social distancing. While all of this has been important to slow the spread of the virus, it has had countless negative impacts. For some, this has been that it has been hard to keep up with essential health appointments. Increased strain on healthcare systems has meant many checkups and procedures have long waiting lists, and we’ve got out of sync with our self-organization. To help keep you on track without reminders from healthcare organizations, here are a few appointments that you should try to book as soon as possible to get back on track.

Essential Health Appointments

Dental Appointments

Dentist offices closed for a while over the pandemic, but you must check in now that they’ve opened back up. You should, ideally, visit the dentist once every six months, but your doctor will tell you for sure. Regular dental appointments will give your practitioner a chance to look at your mouth and determine its health.

Your appointment may be easy, allowing you to get a cleaning and then come back for your next check-up. However, if the dentist finds issues, you may require treatment to make things right. You can also talk to your dentist about cosmetic procedures, such as teeth straightening or teeth whitening.

Eye Tests

You should have an eye test once every two years. Schedule an appointment with an optometrist local to you. The eye check is fast and painless as the doctor uses equipment to help determine the health of your eyes. Your optometrist will then carry out some vision tests to determine if you need a prescription for lenses or not.

Cervical Screening

If you’re over the age of 25, you may be due for a cervical screening appointment at this point too. Also known as a pap smear, you should schedule this appointment regularly. This check will allow medical professionals to take a look at the cellular material in your cervix (the entrance or “barrier” between your womb and your vagina).

If you get the all-clear and everything is as it should be, great! However, if the doctor discovers any irregularities, you will undergo further checks for cancer or cancerous cells. It’s an essential check that can prove life-saving.


Now, people are getting more routine vaccinations, whether it’s Covid vaccines and boosters or the flu jab. If you want to get these vaccinations, book appointments when recommended by your doctor.

Keeping Your Essential Health Appointments

These are just a few appointments you may need to schedule now that facilities are getting back to normal. Don’t put your health on the backburner and risk serious complications or conditions.

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