Health, Healthy Living, Mental Health, Wine

6 Clear Signs That You Are Drinking Too Much

Enjoying an occasional glass of wine is no problem and something that many people do. However, if that occasional glass of wine becomes more frequent, you could be drinking too much. I’ll be the first to admit that I thoroughly enjoy wine (as the blog name suggests), but I am careful about drinking in moderation. Not only do I want to be alert enough to be a good mom, but I also want to stay healthy.

Alcohol misuse can cause health problems, so it’s essential to have a healthy relationship with drinking. If you’re worried about your drinking habits, here are some signs that you may be drinking too much.

Drinking Too Much

Are You Drinking Too Much?

You Set Limits That You Can’t Meet

Perhaps you have started to notice that you seem to get drunk quicker than your friends, or that you immediately have a drink every night to relax and promise yourself that you’ll only have a couple of drinks or won’t drink. However, by the end of the evening, you’re drunk again and aren’t sure what went wrong. If you frequently find yourself going over the limits, it’s a common sign that you don’t have control. 

Other People Comment On Your Drinking

It’s unlikely that your loved ones are just calling you an alcoholic to your face, but they might be jokingly talking about alcohol rehab or referring to you as the lush of the group. If this is happening, there might be some truth behind their teasing. If you have a reputation as someone who can handle their drink, it means your reputation is based on your drinking habits. This reputation might seem like a badge of pride, but it should ring an alarm bell. People usually start to get feedback from friends and family before realizing that they have a problem.

You Crave Alcohol

Crave can be a misleading term. To many people, craving something means that their mouth waters at the thought of heading to the bar or liquor store. Craving is much simpler, and it’s often just a low-level romanticization of going to happy hour that keeps you going throughout the day. Having a drink to unwind is not a bad thing or a problem, and it isn’t always a warning sign. However, if the only way you can get through the day is by thinking about the drink you’re going to have in the evening, there could be a problem coming your way.

You Get Defensive About Your Drinking

How do you react if someone suggests that you take it easy or that you’ve had enough to drink? If your immediate reaction is to feel insulted, ask yourself why you feel that way. Why does it bother you when the suggestion comes from someone that cares about you, like your friend or spouse? Could it be that you’re upset by it because they are echoing something you’re already privately worried about? Is there a part of you that is panicked by the idea of stopping drinking?

Drinking Is Taking A Toll On Your Health And Well-Being

Your doctor might not bluntly tell you that you have a budding drinking problem. However, if they suggest that you cut back on your drinking, this is a definite sign of a problem. If waking up without a mild hangover feels strange, this is another sign. Additionally, spending most of your morning getting over your hangover from the night before is another sign. For those who drink moderately, hangovers should be rare, if you get them at all. If being hungover is part of your routine, it is time to take an honest look at your drinking habits.

You Use Drinking As A Coping Mechanism

If you’ve had a bad day or received bad news and your immediate thought is to drink, it’s a sign. The opposite is true too. If you’ve received good news and immediately want a celebratory drink, it’s a sign that alcohol plays a big part in your life. Your brain will condition itself based on a reward response. If your brain is accustomed to feeling better after a drink, your brain will choose that as your coping mechanism.

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