
Ghosts of the Past: 6 Warning Signs That a Person Is Relapsing

signs of relapse

A relapse isn’t the end of the world and is often a necessary part of a full recovery process. It is a learning experience that everyone has to go through at least once. By knowing the signs of relapse, you’ll be better equipped to deal with any future relapses.

1. Being Secretive

Having personal boundaries is normal for most people. But when an individual with noticeable addiction struggles is secretive, it may be time to consider a mens drug treatment program boulder. This is not the easiest thing to admit for the addict, and it is even harder for a third party to bring up. Secrets start to become a real problem when they are used to cover bad drug habits. That is why knowing the difference between a personal boundary and a horrible secret can save a person’s life.

2. Behavioral Changes

A sudden change in behavior is a good sign that a person is getting near the relapse stage. This includes general moodiness, irritability, lashing out at odd times and being defensive. A lot of times this goes further down the rabbit hole, right into full isolation. When the emotional baggage becomes too much to handle, withdrawing from the world seems like the only option. When that doesn’t work, feeding old habits seems like the only solution for an addict.

3. Changes in Appearance

When someone is relapsing, their appearance will change. In the beginning stages, it is easy to cover up the small things. As the relapse progresses, the changes in hygiene, weight loss and clothes will become more noticeable. No matter how stable a person is mentally, their physical appearance will be the first thing that gives away a possible relapse.

4. Resuming Old Habits

Every addict has habits that are unique to identify. When a relapse occurs, those same old habits will return as a warning. It is like seeing a tell from a poker player – no matter how aware they are of the trait, it is too hard to hide forever. For an addict, the biggest tell is frequenting places that have no other variable other than getting drugs easily.  

5. Not Letting Go of the Past

This is one of the hardest things to recognize with a relapse, and it can only be recognized by the addict. If you find yourself dwelling on past addiction experiences, it will open the door for rumination. All of these thoughts will lead to nowhere good, and may very well speed up the path to a full relapse. Instead of thinking of all of the negative parts of your past, think of the positive things that can come from staying clean.

6. Neglecting Responsibilities

This is most noticeable when an addict has a family to take care of. As you slowly shrink away from common responsibilities, loved ones have to pick up the slack. Once your focus is completely drained, a relapse is right around the corner. When responsibilities seem like a burden, communication is always a better answer than drugs.

Stay Ahead of the Problem: Identify Signs of Relapse

When you fail to plan, a relapse can completely hinder the recovery process. Make it a point to recognize the warning signs of relapse so that you never return to full addictive behavior. The path to recovery is hard but well worth the time investment for a long and healthy life.


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