For the Home

3 Common Kitchen Hazards and How You Can Prevent Them

Your kitchen is one of the most important spaces in your home. The kitchen has served as a place for families to gather and spend time. It can also serve as a space to express your lifestyle, values, and tastes. You can also easily remodel your kitchen to suit your eco-friendly lifestyle. Despite these benefits, the kitchen comes with hazards that can compromise your safety if not effectively addressed. Statistics indicate that approximately 61% of people get injured in their kitchens. That said, here are common kitchen hazards and how to avoid them. 

Common Kitchen Hazards and How To Prevent Them

1. Slips and falls 

Cooking involves water, flour, sauces, oil, and other ingredients. It’s not uncommon for some to spill on the ground as you prepare your meals. However, these liquids can cause your floors to become slippery, increasing your risk of slipping or falling.

Falls can also be caused by tripping over excess clutter. The CDC revealed that falling could cause injuries like a back injury, broken bones, or head injuries due to hitting your head on the floor or other objects. Worse, you risk burning yourself if you slip close to your burner or hot liquids.

You can avoid these hazards by immediately cleaning spills to prevent slippery falls. You’ll also find it helpful to reduce clutter in the kitchen by placing items where they belong after using them. If your floor is unstable, you may want to employ the services of flooring experts to repair them and ensure safety. 

2. Electrical and fire hazards 

The kitchen usually houses appliances that make cooking easier and more enjoyable. However, they can also pose safety risks if not handled properly.

For instance, you risk suffering burns or even electrocution if your appliances are faulty. This issue may also be the case if your kitchen’s electrical outlets are old. Older outlet wiring can loosen over time, break and cause a fire. Statistics indicate that approximately 358,500 house fires occur annually, with 50% starting in the kitchen.  

Replace your old appliances with more efficient options for the best results. When shopping for new appliances, read reviews to determine the best brands to invest in. It’s also important to figure out your vendor’s return policy to help you return faulty appliances.

Seeing these potential hazards, ensuring that your appliances and other electrical items are in good condition becomes necessary. Work with professionals regarding your kitchen electrical outlets and wiring. For instance, you can find a local electrician in Five Dock if you reside in the area.

3. Food poisoning 

Food poisoning is a kitchen hazard caused by eating contaminated, toxic, or spoiled food. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, mild fever, appetite loss, and other uncomfortable symptoms. While these symptoms can clear in a few days, some food poisoning cases can be life-threatening. You can prevent it by ensuring that your kitchen is always clean. Also, store your food correctly and cook meals at the right temperatures to kill harmful bacteria. 

Recap: Common Kitchen Hazards and Prevention

Cooking, baking, and spending time in your kitchen is enjoyable, but you must be careful. These kitchen hazards are common, and prevention is key to having a good time free of accidents.

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