Finances, freelance writing, Work From Home

4 Things That Might Be Getting in The Way of Your Freelance Writing Career

Freelance writing can be a varied and enjoyable career. But if you aren’t approaching it in the right way, you could interfere with your chance of success. If you want to be successful, you’ll want to be aware of what might get in the way of your freelance writing career. Here are some examples that may apply to you.

What’s Getting In The Way Of Your Freelance Writing Career?


Many writers suffer from self-doubt and would say it’s something of an occupational hazard. If you know that you tend to doubt yourself considerably, you want to look into this to ensure that you are changing it. That might be easier than you think, but the point is that you are working at it every day. Try to recognize negative self-talk and work to prove yourself wrong. Often that is enough to start boosting your career.

A Cluttered Mind

If you struggle to get many words down when you sit down to write, then you might have too cluttered a mind. It could require that you empty your mind a little. You can clear your mind in several ways. First, look at how you feel when you sit down to write. If you have lots of intense emotions that get in the way, you might want to deal with them using the accepted DBT method or a similar alternative. Then you can keep your mind on track to write well.

A Lack Of Discipline

One of the difficulties of freelance writing is that you have to have a lot of self-discipline. Until you have developed that trait, you might struggle to make it work for you. Not having enough discipline will mean that you don’t get much done. Do whatever it takes to keep on working at it, and you’ll find the results can be profound.

Poorly Defined Audience

Finally, remember that you need a clearly defined audience if you hope to sell your writing effectively. To define your audience, you have to have a good idea of what kind of niche you write in. It should be something that you are completely and utterly passionate about. As long as you write about something you care about, you’ll find that the career develops naturally.

Your Freelance Writing Career

As a freelance writer, you must realize what you do that interfere with your success. Develop good habits and address issues immediately. Then, you can have a successful freelance writing career.

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