Adulting, Health, Healthy Living

Mom, Never Miss These 8 Check-ups and Health Screenings

Moms are superheroes. They always put their families first and manage to do it all while looking great. But even superheroes need check-ups and health screenings to stay in top shape. Here are the check-ups that every mom should never miss!

Check-ups and Health Screenings You Shouldn’t Miss

Annual Physical

Even if you’re feeling good, you must get a check-up with your doctor every year. Your doctor will do a physical exam, including assessing your heart rate and breathing. They may also do blood work and other tests to detect any issues before they become serious problems.


For women over 40, getting an annual mammogram is not just recommended – it’s essential! This screening test can catch signs of breast cancer early on so that you can take action quickly if necessary. Don’t wait too long between appointments – put it on your calendar now!

Dental Check-Ups

Make sure you see the dentist twice a year for regular check-ups and cleanings. Your dentist will assess your teeth, gums, and mouth to ensure there aren’t any underlying issues that need attention. A local dentist can also do a professional teeth whitening when you want to dazzle the room.

Eye Exam

Visiting an optometrist for an eye exam is essential for moms who spend long hours on the computer or behind the wheel. These exams can pick up signs of macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and other vision-threatening issues. They can also detect potential trouble before you even experience symptoms!

Skin Cancer Screening

If you have fair skin or spend lots of time outside in direct sunlight, getting a skin cancer screening from a dermatologist is essential. Early detection of skin cancer can make all the difference in getting successful treatment.

Mental Health Check-Ups

Being a mom is one of the most rewarding yet challenging jobs. Make sure you’re taking time to check in with yourself and ensure you’re feeling your best. Consider reaching out to a mental health professional for ongoing support and guidance.

Colon Cancer Screening

Getting a colon cancer screening is an essential part of preventive health care. Most doctors recommend these screenings for women starting at the age of 45, but some may recommend them sooner if you have a family history of the disease.


Vaccines are one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family against contagious illnesses. Make sure you’re up to date on all recommended vaccinations, including flu shots and the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine.

Recap: Check-ups and Health Screenings

Moms are busy, but that doesn’t mean they should neglect their check-ups! Make sure you prioritize your health and get to your appointments on time – your family will thank you. Schedule any necessary check-ups today, and you’ll be less likely to forget about them later. It may take some juggling, but ensuring your health is taken care of should always be a top priority! And when you go in for those check-ups, remember that even superheroes need to take care of themselves. Go get ‘em, mamas!

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