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4 Easy Tips on How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Most people would like to help the environment and save themselves a bit of money along the way. A great way of doing this is considering how you can make your home more energy efficient. It will not only reduce the amount of energy used to run your home but also reduce energy bills. Let’s look at some top tips on how to make your home more energy efficient.

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How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

1. Install solar panels

A popular and ever-growing trend for many homeowners is to figure out how to create and store their energy. An option that offers many benefits is the use of solar energy. If you install solar panels, you are not only going to be making your home much more energy efficient, but you will reduce your monthly costs on your energy bills. It is important to note that solar panels may cost you to start. This cost should be seen as an investment as the cost will come back to you over time. You may even make money by giving the excess energy they produce back to the grid.

2. Upgrade windows and doors

Once you heat your home, you want to hold onto that heat for as long as possible. Doing this will reduce the time and energy required to keep your home at the temperature you like. If you have single glazed or draughty windows and doors, all the heat will escape, leading to wasted energy. Depending on your budget, you can upgrade your windows to double or triple glazing. You can replace your doors with newer, better-fitting counterparts or investigate draft-proofing methods.

3. Change light bulbs

Something that everyone has a lot of in their houses is lightbulbs. A great way to help reduce your energy consumption, reduce maintenance costs, and make your home more energy efficient is to replace your high-wattage halogen bulbs with LED bulbs. Although LED bulbs are slightly more expensive than halogen bulbs, they cost a fraction of the price to run. Plus, they will generally outlast a halogens life span by years, saving you time and money on your investment.

4. Reduce the thermostat

Another great way to increase your home’s energy efficiency is to turn your central heating down. It might not sound ideal during winter when you want to keep warm. However, even if you reduce your central heating by one degree, it impacts your energy consumption.

Many people keep their thermostats on 68F+ when 65F is more than comfortable for most people. The few degrees are nothing a sweater can’t fix to save money and improve energy efficiency. I work from home and keep a warm blanket scarf near my workspace for when I get chilly. I can use it as a blanket on my lap, wrap it around my shoulders, or wear it as a scarf, depending on what part of my body gets cold.

Recap: Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

There are many other ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency, but these are great places to start. Do you have any other ideas? Leave a comment and let us know. 🙂

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