Health, Healthy Living, Mental Health, Parenting

4 Makeover Procedures to Boost Self-Confidence in Moms

Makeover Procedures

As women age, their bodies begin to look different. Gradually, it starts to interfere with their self-confidence. Mothers feel they are not beautiful or regret that they did not devote as much time to themselves as they should have while aging. This experience is where medical cosmetics play a role. Several makeover procedures available in the market help women get the desired look. It is effective in skin rejuvenation, losing weight, getting a better smile, and even treating hair fall issues.  

As a result, it helps mothers regain their self-confidence and love themselves a little more than ever before. So, let’s read on to find out the most popular cosmetic makeover treatments that mommies can use to uplift their morale.  

Makeover Procedures to Boost Self-Confidence

1. Mini Facelift  

Sagging skin is a common issue in women after their thirties as the body produces less collagen. So, to lift the sagging skin, a cosmetic makeover offers a less invasive procedure, namely a mini facelift.  

According to the patients who have undergone a mini facelift with Dr. Jeff Lisiecki, it is far more effective in correcting skin in the lower half of the face. It can also be integrated with other facial procedures, such as dermal filler or eye lift. Anyone looking to achieve firmer skin but with fewer incisions can be a good candidate for this process.  

2. Breast Augmentation  

Similar to the facial skin, a woman’s breast also begins to sag after a certain age. It is more prominent in women who breastfeed their children. Medical science has developed a cosmetic procedure for this; breast augmentation.  

In this procedure, doctors use breast implants to get the breast firmer and increase the size. While some women may voluntarily choose to increase their chest size, others have to do it because of various conditions, such as breast cancer. Your healthcare provider may suggest integrating breast lift and augmentation for better results per your expectations.  

3. Labiaplasty Makeover Procedures

It is common for women to lose elasticity in their intimate areas. However, the topic is not widely discussed at parties, as are facelifts or dermal fillers. Every woman feels insecure if they find excess tissue in their labia. It can cause issues in everyday chores such as exercising, running, cycling, and intercourse.  

Regardless of the reasons behind the problem, women are now undergoing labiaplasty to get symmetric labia. It also helps them improve their sexual sensitivity and gain more self-confidence. You can connect with the surgeons in your area and speak about your requirements. Several clinics have an all-women team to provide comfort to patients.  

4. Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy  

Hair loss is among the most common issues in women after skin. It could be due to prescription, side effects of pregnancy, or any underlying condition. Doctors conduct specific tests to ensure no underlying disease is causing consistent hair loss in the patient, then prepare a further treatment plan.  

PRP therapy uses the patient’s blood to create an effective solution to heal the affected area. The solution is then injected into the targeted area to treat hair loss. Interestingly, PRP responds better to women than men.  

Recap: Makeover Procedures to Boost Self-Confidence

There are several surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatment options available in the market. You can consult your healthcare expert to discuss your desired results; they can suggest the best therapy according to your budget.  

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