Healthy Living, Mental Health

5 Simple Ways to Bring More Calm Into Your Life

Bring More Calm

Creating more calm in your life might seem like a bit of a stretch – after all, it can be pretty tough to be calm 24/7 when there are so many demands on your time and efforts. However, you can do little things each day to ensure you have moments of peace. Some things you can do to bring more calm into your life include the following:

How to Bring More Calm


Mornings can be one of the toughest times of the day. You and everyone else in your home have to get ready, make sure bags get packed, lunches get prepared, and breakfast is eaten – not to mention the adults need to prep too!

Mornings can be a busy, stressful rush. 

To make the mornings run smoother, getting up early, starting with some stretches, and then making a to-do list is highly recommended by those already enjoying a more peaceful and calm day.


Adults tend to stay up much later than they should to get peace and calm. But that can negatively impact the following day. So what can you do? Change your evenings. Once everything gets done for the day, instead of trying to stay up even later, start a nighttime wind-down routine.

Start with having a calming cup of tea, making a list of what you need to do tomorrow (if you don’t like making morning to-do lists), getting into some loungewear, and trying to avoid using your phone.

For those who have trouble sleeping and getting into sleep mode, a CBD spray or gummies from Redeem can help to support your sleep system and help you drift off. Other people find success with camomile tea and lavender pillow spray. 


One way to gauge your stress level is to consider how you react to situations. If you instantly respond, and your responses are typically short and sharp – you might be causing damage.

Pay attention to how you respond to situations and ask yourself if it is a measured and considered response or if you are instantly reacting negatively.

Keeping an eye on how you respond can show you your mindset. And when you recognize the patterns, you can start to change them.

Coping Habits to Bring More Calm

Unless you naturally head for healthy coping mechanisms – you might notice you have a few that might be problematic. Healthy coping habits for stress include resting, reading, exercising, and doing things to help you relax. 

Unhealthy ones are reaching for alcohol, drugs, food restrictions, and other things that negatively impact us. Bringing more calm into your life can help you to form healthy coping habits. 

Task Switching 

Even if you pride yourself on how much you can take on, how much you can do at once – and you do it well, task switching is high-stress. Not only will all the tasks take longer because you need to refocus between each one – but you will also have a lot of clutter in your mind as you focus on everything. 

Try to get out of the habit and mindset that doing everything all the time is healthy. Instead, recognize that doing things one at a time is better. And further that you don’t need to multitask to be successful and productive. 

Recap: Bring More Calm

Bringing more calm to your life can make you feel happier in general. Here are some other tips to help you achieve that goal: 3 Unique Ways To Care For Your Mental Health And Achieve Greater Happiness

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