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4 Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Neat When You Have Guests

Overnight guests can be a pleasure to host, even if playing host can get a little tiring after a while. It’s fun to have friends or family to stay, especially when they’re well-behaved. But more people in the house often means more mess. It’s just a reality when you have more people with their stuff, eating off your plates and using your sheets and towels. It can make it more difficult to keep your home clean and tidy, but it’s not impossible. There are a few things you can do to keep your home neat and pleasant for you and your guests.

Ask Your Guests to Pitch In to Keep Your Home Neat

When you have guests, you might not want them to do too much. You’re the host, after all. But if they’re in your home, it’s also polite of them not to be too much of an imposition. The best thing to do is wait for them to offer help, then accept it. They might automatically be polite enough to clean up after themselves and avoid making too much of a mess. But sometimes you might have to ask them to do their part and pitch in with some of the work. It isn’t always that they’re being rude, but they may not know that it’s social protocol or have other internal battles.

Social anxiety is one of the reasons someone might be afraid to ask what they can do to help. Instead, they’ll internally stress that they’re not doing their part but also feel frozen when they want to step in. It’s an internal battle, and asking if they can help you with something will make it easier for them, and you’ll both benefit in the end.

Do a Little More Laundry and Dishes

Both dishes and laundry can increase when you have guests. Even if you’re not washing your guests’ clothes, you can have more towels and bed linens to wash. Doing a little more laundry might be necessary if you want to stay on top of things. You might even need to do one load of laundry a day to prevent it from piling up. When it comes to dishes, try to do them every evening before going to bed. Or, depending on how many people are in the house, you might need to put the dishwasher on after every meal.

Use an Air Purifier to Keep Your Home Neat

You might be concerned about air quality with more people in your home. This can be a particular concern if any of your guests smoke or just like to enjoy a cigar over the holidays. Using an air purifier is a smart choice to keep your home clean and healthy. Air purifiers help to remove impurities from the air so that it’s cleaner and less likely to cause health problems. They could help remove unpleasant odors from your home, so everything still smells nice and clean.

Quickly Tidy Each Morning/Evening

A few minutes tidying up in the morning or evening is one of the best ways you can stay on top of everything when you have guests. It doesn’t take long to pick up a few things to put them away or to straighten out anything that might be a little wonky. Of course, your guests can help by tidying up their things so that you don’t have to pick up after them.

Recap: How to Keep Your Home Neat

It might be a struggle keeping your home clean and tidy when you have people living on top of each other, but a few simple habits will make it easier.

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3 thoughts on “4 Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Neat When You Have Guests

  1. Maintaining a clean home while playing the perfect host can be a delightful challenge! These tips are great thank you! Before guests arrive, I also like to strategically place decorative baskets or bins in communal areas for quick tidying. Not only does it make cleaning up a breeze, but it also adds a nice touch to the decor! Thanks for sahring!

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