Decor, Gifts, Parenting

Precious Moments Cheerleading Figurine – An Honest Product Review

My daughter loves cheerleading. She’s a gymnast, soccer player, and cheerleader, and cherishes each activity. She’s been in a handful of cheer competitions and looks forward to cheer Tuesdays each week. While trying to think of a gift for her, I immediately thought of Precious Moments keepsakes. My daughter loves sentimental keepsakes, so I was hoping for a figurine that…

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Gifts, Holiday

Thoughtful DIY Gift Ideas To Wow Your Friends And Family

When choosing a gift for someone you love, the best ones are the gifts with meaning. Thoughtful DIY gift ideas will wow your friends and family, and you’ll give something they’ll never forget. But how can you find the perfect gift for people you love? Let’s be honest; there is nothing more frustrating than feeling confused in the mall while…

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Gifts, Parenting, Toddler and Preschool Age Fun

Naturally Kids Backpack Review: Why It’s the Perfect Daily Choice for Toddlers

As a parent, we’re always carrying things for our kids. From sippy cups or snacks to toys and random treasures, we get stuck carrying it all. This Naturally Kids backpack can help alleviate the issue, allowing your kids to carry their own things to and from the car. It seems like everytime we leave our house, the kids start grabbing…

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Gifts, Holiday

5 Ways to Find The Perfect Gifts This Christmas

Find The Perfect Gifts

Christmas is getting closer and closer, so now is the time to start thinking about planning your gifts. It can sometimes be a challenge to find the perfect gifts, but it doesn’t have to be this way. These tips will help you find the perfect gifts for everyone on your list. How to Find The Perfect Gifts Organize The Present…

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Gifts, Holiday

11 Gifts No One Wants to Get This Christmas

11 Christmas Gifts No One Wants to Get

Each year when Christmas rolls around we buy gifts for the people in our lives. We exchange gifts with our family members, friends, children, and parents. When it comes to giving gifts to those you are closest to, it’s a little easier to buy something you know they’ll like. Sometimes, however, the gift-giving occurs in a group gift exchange or…

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