Health, Healthy Living

4 Foods That Help Maintain Your Oral Health

Your oral cavity is a sensitive part of your body, and what you put in there can impact your oral health. Some foods cause tooth decay, while others fight mouth bacteria. Admittedly, the American diet comprises several processed foods that can affect teeth and gum health. Already, 70% of most packaged foods in the country are ultra-processed. Ultra-processed means it contains high…

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Adulting, Healthy Living, How To, Life, Mental Health

4 Positive Ways You Can Become a Brand New You

If you’re looking for an effective way to boost your confidence, you can think about making changes to yourself. This isn’t to say that you change everything about yourself that makes you who you are. Instead, you can make changes that you’ve always wanted to do while still retaining a piece of yourself. If you’re looking for ways to become…

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Big Kid, Health, Healthy Living, How To, Kindergarten Age, Learning, Life, Parenting, Toddler and Preschool Age Learning

How to Help Your Kids Get Basic Health and Hygiene Down

As a parent, you likely want to improve your health and improve your child’s basic health and hygiene. It can be a battle to keep your kids clean, especially during the summer when they love to spend all their time outside. Teaching them how to look after themselves early on will set them up for a healthy and hygienic future. Consider…

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Adulting, For the Home, Home

3 Semi-Regular Home Cleaning Efforts To Add to Your Routine Now

We’re willing to bet that pretty much everyone reading this has their cleaning schedule down by now. While you can always get advice, it can be patronizing to teach people obvious considerations that they’re already taking part in. But what about the cleaning habits that need to be applied less regularly but still count? Well, a post about these semi-regular…

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Adulting, Finances, Learning

Managed Futures: Market-Neutral Vs. Trend-Following

Managed Futures

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of available investment options? You’re not alone — especially when it comes to alternative investments across asset classes, such as managed futures. Of course, you’ve already heard of stocks and bonds, but you may not know quite as much about managed futures. This alternative investment can help diversify your portfolio, enhance…

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