Wine Wednesday

Wine Wednesday

I love Wine Wednesday. Gives me an actual *reason* to indulge in wine, know what I mean? 😉 This week I’m going to talk about Flipside, which is a dry red blend. The cherry in this blend is very overwhelming, both when smelling and tasting. I also smelled hints of cocoa and pepper. Again, the taste has an overwhelming dark cherry…

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Our Family

Happy Birthday To My First Born

How can it be that my first born is four years old? My sweet Sylas… the baby who taught me how to be a mom, how to successfully breastfeed, how to change a diaper on my lap, how to love with my whole entire heart. We learned all the hard parts together and formed a bond greater than anything I…

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Friday Favorites

Friday Pinterest Favorites

It’s Friday so I’m here to share some of my favorite pins from the week!! I love all the different ideas that can be found on Pinterest. Lego Zip Line from Little Bins for Little Hands -How cool is this?! My boys LOVE legos and with their age difference (6 years) it’s hard to find things that they both enjoy. I’m…

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Craft, Toddler and Preschool Age Fun

Paper Plate Wolf Craft

My toddlers are obsessed with the big bad wolf right now, Josie especially. Her favorite is The 3 Little Pigs but she’s also really enjoying Little Red Riding Hood. We read the books pretty often and I also found a couple YouTube videos of each story that the kids really like. Josie always asks to watch this “scary” Three Little…

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Weekend Wrap-Up

Weekend Wrap-Up

I hope you all had a good weekend! We did, even though it rained a lot and was cloudy the entire time. Except for Friday (I count that as the weekend because my weekend starts early hehe), it was pretty sunny then. It was still a good time, though. On Friday I woke the babies up early and got them…

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