Mental Health, Parenting

One In Six US Kids Now Has A Mental Illness. Here Are The Signs

A recent analysis showed that a whopping one in six US children now has a mental illness, the highest figure ever recorded. And it’s not just down to improved diagnostics. While there are more diseases listed in the DSM-5 than ever before, careful research shows that the trends we’re witnessing today are part of a broader deterioration in the health of…

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Health, Healthy Living

What is Capsular Contracture and How Can it be Treated?

Sometimes, no matter how experienced the professional is, complications might arise. Capsular contracture is a result of one such unusual complication. Capsular contracture is an immune system’s response to foreign implants in the human body. In some patients, post-breast implants, the scar tissue becomes extremely hard and starts contracting around the implants. Capsular contracture can lead to severe pain in…

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Health, Healthy Living, Parenting

3 Safe and Effective Ways to Treat Headaches During Pregnancy

Headaches during pregnancy are tricky because you can’t take just any pain reliever to ease the pain. It’s an aspect of pregnancy that many women don’t think about until they’re in the midst of a painful headache and find themselves unsure of what to do. If you’re pregnant and experience severe headaches, know you’re not alone. Studies show that more…

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Adulting, Health, Healthy Living, Women

What Are The Common Symptoms Of Menopause?

menopause symptoms, menopause, womens health

While dealing with monthly menstruation can seem like a challenge for many women, transitioning out of this phase also has some trials. The majority of women are familiar with the symptoms of PMS and even crippling abdominal cramps, but do you know the symptoms that signal the onset of menopause? Approximately 8 out of 10 women experience menopause before and…

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Dental, Health, Healthy Living

Cosmetic Dentistry: 4 Procedures to Give You a Sparkling Smile

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

We all know that the first impression is the lasting one. This impression is why we keep ourselves presentable when we meet someone. You might have every other aspect down, but if you are uncomfortable with your smile, it’ll bring down your confidence. Cosmetic dentistry is beneficial for most people since it can help you regain that aesthetic appearance by…

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