Moving isn’t always a fun experience, and when you have kids it can be even more difficult. Sometimes, however, you just have no choice or the long-term benefits outweigh the current stress. It’s for those reason that you have to work out a way to make moving with kids as fun as possible. Right now, making moving with kids fun…
Tag: Parenting
Keep A Handle On The Stress As A Parent
As a parent, it’s easy for stress to reach an overwhelming level. After all, you’re always going to have a lot of things on your mind. You will want to make sure that your kids do well at school. Plus, you want to make sure that they are provided with the best quality of life. On top of that, you…
How To Do Right By Your Family
Making long-term life decisions can be a very tough task, no matter how old or experienced you may be. Life is unpredictable, and 2020 is perhaps one of the crowning examples of that. However, it’s important to figure out how to do right by your family by coming to the best decision. These long-term decisions could be anything from where…
How Do Musical Instruments Relate To School Performance?
By introducing children to the world of music using toy musical instruments, you are opening the door to endless possibilities. You are giving them a great basis for the future and an excellent chance to excel in various areas. This is because the process of learning to play music enhances many other areas of their development. As stated, learning to…
New Baby Incoming? Make The Transition Easy With These Top Tips
It’s been a hard year for a lot of people. Job losses are abundant and people are still worried about coronavirus and its effects on millions of people around the globe. If you’re bringing a baby into the world at the moment you might be worried and have reason to be. However, you can transition to life as a parent…
12 of The Best Board Games for Kids: Meaningful Gift Ideas
I don’t know about you, but I start my Christmas shopping in August. With five kids, it’s essential to begin early and to make sure all my gift plans are in place. My kids love games, so I have been researching the best games for kids. While I know some of the games they would enjoy, there are so many…
World Emoji Day – Do You Know What These Popular Emojis Really Mean?
July 17th is World Emoji Day, so what better way to celebrate than learning all about what these popular emojis mean when teenagers use them! As a mom (step-mom, whatevs) to a 16 and 12-year-old, I’m always trying to keep up with what they are talking about. Emojis made this especially hard because what they meant to my teen and…
Too Much Screen Time? Try This!
So, life has changed drastically for most of us in the last month. At our house, this means we have five kids at home while I’m also trying to work from home. I hate to admit it, but that leads to way too much screen time for the kids. My mom guilt has been eating at me every time I…
15 Fun and Easy Ways to Keep Kids Busy at Home
When you’re stuck at home with your kids, you might all go a little stir crazy. You can avoid it and have some fun by learning how to keep kids busy at home. Some of these ideas will require assistance and/or participation from you (or another adult or older sibling). Of course, I know you will need ideas for how…
March Momma-razzi Box: A Review
If you’re anything like me, you love having cute, themed photos of your kids, but you hate paying the price for a photoshoot with a professional for each holiday. This is where the Momma-razzi box comes into play. Because I don’t want to have to pay for seasonal and holiday photos each and every time, I always try to take…