Parenting, Teenager

World Emoji Day – Do You Know What These Popular Emojis Really Mean?

World Emoji Day, What emojis really mean, what emojis mean to teenagers, online safety

July 17th is World Emoji Day, so what better way to celebrate than learning all about what these popular emojis mean when teenagers use them! As a mom (step-mom, whatevs) to a 16 and 12-year-old, I’m always trying to keep up with what they are talking about.

Emojis made this especially hard because what they meant to my teen and pre-teen was completely different than what they meant to me. This made for some awkward text conversations when I sent something innocent and they got offended. Oops.

Anyway, our teenager was kind enough to fill us in on some of these. Other ones I had to learn on Google. I put together this useful guide to help you understand what your teenager is saying when they use emojis.

What These Popular Emojis Mean

🐍 The snake emoji can indicate a real snake, or it can be an insult. Used as an insult, this character means that someone is being a backstabber, deceitful, or duplicitous.

🍆 An eggplant emoji is sometimes used to reference male genitalia. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it used to represent an actual eggplant, honestly.

🍑 The peach represents a butt. To be honest, I don’t think it’s even shaped like a peach, so I’m sure the butt representation was intended all along.

❄️ When a snowflake is used when it’s not winter, it’s likely an insult. This insult means that someone believes they are more unique than they are, feels entitled, or is overly-emotional. It also indicates that someone is easily offended and unable to accept opinions that are different from their own.

💨 I always thought this emoji was smoke, but I found it in the ‘nature’ section so maybe it’s supposed to be wind. Either way, teenagers use this emoji to represent vaping.

🐸 A frog means something or someone is ugly. This emoji is never a good sign unless you’re talking about a real frog.

🎥🍿❄️ If you see these three emojis together, it means Netflix and chill….. and we all know what that means.

It can be hard to keep up with our teenagers in a world that offers them so many communication methods. One of the best ways to get around that struggle is to understand their forms of communication. Then, you’ll be able to watch for red flags and keep your child safe on the internet.

Check Out This Emoji Book to Learn More

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What Emoji Did I Miss?

I didn’t cover even close to enough emojis in this blog post! Do you know any hidden meanings of your teen’s favorite emojis? Tell me about it in the comments!

Before I go, I want to share my favorite emoji (no hidden meaning here!). I love this 🤣 laughing emoji because I’m always laughing and telling jokes. It also reminds of me Cartman from South Park, but I think that’s just me.

What’s your favorite emoji? Tell me about that in the comments, too!

World Emoji Day, What emojis really mean, what emojis mean to teenagers
World Emoji Day, What emojis really mean, what emojis mean to teenagers

P.S. Check Out This Blog Post to Help Keep Your Teen Safe Online

Teenager Cell Phone Contract

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15 thoughts on “World Emoji Day – Do You Know What These Popular Emojis Really Mean?

  1. There are some subtle meanings hidden in some of these emojis! For some reason, the peach makes me chuckle every time I see it . . . Thanks for sharing!
    Jaya Avendel recently posted…LunarMy Profile

  2. Wow. I really only knew the peach and the snake! Who knew such simple little pictures could be such big insults! Glad I’m still years away from teenagers in the house.

    1. Right?! It’s so hard to keep up! By the time your kids are teenagers there will be all new things to learn!

  3. I’m quite surprised there’s an actual emoji day, do they have a day for everything now?

    💦 This emoji is meant to represent cumming and is often paired with 🍆

    Can’t think of any other emoji’s and there alternative meanings at the moment

  4. So many subtle and sometime adaptive meanings behind emojis. It’s good to know what they can represent even if you don’t have children too as sometimes someone uses them in a text or private message, etc and it’s goo to be aware of possible connotations. Great post!

  5. I didn’t know some of these, I’m glad my little one is only 3. My favourite emoji is 🤦🏻‍♀️

  6. I’m so not hip anymore. I only knew eggplant and peach (Seriously actual peaches never look like that).

    I think that frog is cute. Haha

    1. I think the frog is cute, too!! I had no idea what teenagers use it for lol. Thank you for commenting!

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