Blogger Award

Mystery Blogger Award

Mom. Wife. Wine. has been nominated for its first ever award and I am so excited about it!! I am so flattered and beyond honored about the nomination for the Mystery Blogger Award.

I received the nomination from Morgan at Binkies, Bottles, and Babies and I would like to first thank her before I get started. Morgan is an amazing mama to her first baby and blogs about her parenting journey. She shares the BEST content and it is all so helpful to other mothers. She is also so supportive of other bloggers, which I think is so amazing of her. Make sure to hop over to her page and check out her work!

The Mystery Blogger AwardRULES

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link to their blog.
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  6. Answer the 5 questions from the person who nominated you.
  7. Nominate other bloggers.
  8. Notify the nominees that you have nominated them for the award.
  9. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice, with one weird or funny question.
  10. Share a link to your best post.


The creator of the Mystery Blogger Award is Okoto Enigma and you can check out her blog here. She blogs about lifestyle and travel.


  1. I love to read. I prefer historical fiction or fiction that is written about controversial topics. I can get so wrapped up in a book that I don’t realize how much time has passed until I’m late getting somewhere. Oops.
  2. I question every single choice I make and everything I say. I spend hours afterward repeating it all in my head and beating myself up over it. I think it has a lot to do with my anxiety, but it is a huge problem that I’ve been dealing with for years and am working to get better about it.
  3. The age difference between my three babies is very small… 17 months between each of them. I got pregnant when Sylas turned 9 months old and then again when Josie turned 9 months old. Liam is lucky because we broke the cycle with him… now he gets to be the baby forever. 🙂


  1. What inspired you to start your blog? I have always loved blogging. I had a couple blogs in the past but I really had no idea what I was doing so they were mostly just blogs for myself. This time, I wanted to make my blog more successful in hopes that I can eventually earn an income doing what I love. I became serious about it when I realized that I wanted to be home with my babies every single day instead of working a “normal” full-time job while they were raised by a babysitter.
  2. What is your favorite thing about motherhood? Oh, this is a tough one! I love so much about motherhood. I love the hugs, kisses, cuddles, and unconditional love I receive from my babies every single day. I love watching them learn, grow, and become their own person. I love guiding them and being there as they achieve something new and seeing the excitement on their faces.
  3. If you could move anywhere in the world where would you live? South Haven, Michigan!! It is my FAVORITE PLACE ON EARTH. My husband and I were married in South Haven so it makes it even more special to me. My husband always says he wants to live in New York City so I think we’ll run into an issue if we ever decide to move.
  4. If you won the lottery what would you do with the money? First I would pay off all of our bills. Every single one. Then I would probably invest a ton of it before installing a lazy river in the backyard of my brand new farmhouse.
  5. Who are three people who inspire you and why? My husband, my brother Scott, and my kids. My husband inspires me because he always encourages me and supports all the crazy decisions I make (like quitting my job and starting a blog) and he gives me his input and ideas whenever I ask. Scott inspires me because years ago he quit his “real” job to focus on his DJing business full time. It started from nothing and he managed to build a successful business. His dedication and drive inspire me to do great things outside of the normal ideas of a job. My kids inspire me (obviously, just take a look at my blog LOL) because they make me want to work harder every single day. They make me want to fight through all the depression and anxiety I deal with and come out stronger than ever. They give me purpose every single day and inspire me to be a better person and a better mother. They inspire me to make something of myself.


The bloggers I am nominating are amazing women who put out amazing content consistently. I love following their journeys and seeing what is coming next. Take some time to check out their blogs and see why I love them so much!! I promise you won’t regret it. 🙂

Creating a Mama

Dominique – queenDOMsized

Chantel – Chavant Garde


  1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
  2. What is your least favorite household chore and why?
  3. When you have a couple hours to yourself what do you do to relax?
  4. What is your all-time favorite TV show and why?
  5. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?


Thanks again, Morgan, for nominating me for this awesome award!!


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