Our Family, Printables, Weekend Wrap-Up

Weekend Wrap-Up

Happy Monday!!

I hope everyone had a good weekend. We tried to just relax as much as possible because last week was such a long, busy week for us.

Relaxing when you have five kids is a little different than relaxing with no kids, however, so we still stayed a little busy.

Friday we had doctors appointments for the kids, but after that, it was pretty chill.

Saturday morning we hung out at home and spent time together. Later we dropped Peyton off to spend time with his mama and then went to the train station in our town to take pictures before Nevaeh’s 8th grade formal. The train station is beautiful so it was a good spot for pictures.

When we got done there we took Nevaeh and her date (her boyfriend, but Chris doesn’t like me to say that) to the dance.

When Nevaeh got home Chris, Nevaeh, and I watched YouTube videos of Conan O’Brien and Kevin Hart driving around with different people in the car… it was pretty hilarious.

Sunday we went to the Rose Parade. Chris wasn’t thrilled but he’s a team player so came along anyhow. He actually ended up enjoying himself, so that was a bonus. LOL. Liam LOVED all the cars and trucks. He wouldn’t stop saying “ca” and when there were no cars that he could see he would say, “all gone!” and get squirmy again until the next wave of vehicles came. It was adorable. Sylas liked the firetrucks and police cars, and Josie liked the horses. I think she liked the horses, it was really the only thing she paid attention to other than the candy being thrown her way. She didn’t want to talk about anything but the candy after we left. I think candy being thrown at parades should be banned… lol. I’m totally kidding but my kids brought home SO MUCH candy.

Watching a parade is on our Summer Bucket List so the kids were excited to put a check mark next to it afterward. If you want a copy of our Summer Bucket List or if you want a template to write your own list, click on the link and download my free printables. There are 5 of them so you have a few to choose from, plus a few blank ones if you would rather create your own.

After that we came home and while the kids napped and I worked on my blog a big, Chris went to pick up some mulch for me. I didn’t get it put down yet… I’m sure that won’t happen until next weekend at least. I tend to get nothing done in the yard during the week LOL

We went to pizza night, I had good wine, and then we went home to relax before the week started again.

My kids didn’t nap all weekend it seemed like. Even Liam’s naps were shorter than normal. I seriously ended my weekend wishing for a babysitter so I could have a couple minutes to myself without anyone interrupting. LOL. I live for nap time.

Tell me about your weekend in the comments! I’d love to hear about it. 🙂


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2 thoughts on “Weekend Wrap-Up

  1. You are an awesome blogger and I enjoyed them very much, I love how you have it all together like that. I wonder what to blog everyday and I finally got normal blog posts I can actually understand and relate to. THANK YOU AWSOME BLOGGER

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