How To, On My Mind

9 Ways to See The Good In Each Day

how to see the good in each day

“Every day may not be good… but there’s something good in every day.”

Alice Morse Earle
ways to see the good in each day

This quote from Alice Morse Earle, an American Historian, is one of my all time favorites. It is the best quote for when I am struggling to find the positive aspects of my life. We all (I think) struggle with being a negative Nancy on some of our bad days, but it is so important to remember that there is still good in each day, even on the worst days.

Since we all need some help finding the good in every day, and even the best quotes can’t always pull you out of the funk, I decided to put together a list of ideas to help you (and me) recognize the good in each day. I’m going to print the list and pin it above my desk so it is always in sight, giving me the reminder that even the bad days have good parts.

ways to see the good in each day

How to See the Good In Each Day

1. Start your day with a positive thought.

This can be a favorite quote or your own personal mantra, as long as it’s positive and it reminds you of good things, it’ll do the trick. Whatever you choose, it can help set you off on the right foot each day. It’ll be your beginning of the day reminder to look for all of the good things happening in your life and around you.

2. Change your routine.

If you are struggling to get through a bad day or if your bad days begin early in your day, think about your routine. Sometimes your morning or afternoon routine is causing you to only notice the bad things that happen.

By waking up earlier or having a cup of coffee in a quiet, calm environment, maybe you could think about the good part of your morning routine when something bad happens later.

Think of 2 positive things each day.

For me, it is most beneficial to write these positive things down in my planner each day. That way, when I open my planner in the morning, I see the good things that happened the day before, as well as the rest of the week.

It is awesome to have a quick reminder of all the good parts throughout the week as I remind myself of my current day, and I have the chance to positively reflect on each day while I plan for the next day.

3. Visualize yourself succeeding.

If you are anything like me, you may think of yourself as a failure when you mess up or when you are having a bad day. Try to change your own mindset by envisioning yourself succeeding in the future instead of dwelling on your mistakes. Remember, you WILL be successful if you keep being positive.

4. Go for a walk.

Going for a walk can help you see the goodin your day in more than one way. First, walking outside and seeing the natural beauty of the world can be an amazing way to remember all of the good in your life consistently. The plants growing, the birds chirping, the fresh air… all of that is GOOD.

Walking also gives you a chance to think clearly with little distraction. It is easier to think things through and remember all of the good when you are on a leisurely walk. Trust me, it’ll help.

how to see the good in each day

5. Live in the moment.

Put your phone away. It’s hard to remember the good in your life when you are constantly staring at a screen.

I make excuses as to why I can’t ditch mine… the kids or my parents might call, I might need to take a picture, an emergency could occur, etc. I’ve been working on just leaving my phone out of sight, however, because 15 years ago I didn’t have a cell phone glued to my body and I got by just fine.

I find myself enjoying life more and really noticing how awesome life is when I put my phone away and just live. This is also something I’m trying to teach and model to my kids.

6. Find something to laugh about.

If you notice that you haven’t laughed at all in a day… seek something to laugh about. Watch a comedy on TV, call your bestfriend and ask to hear something funny, or even write your own funny story.

Laughing can make you feel SO much better. Plus, if nothing else happened that was good, at least you laughed.

7. Remind yourself that you are enough.

You really, truly are ENOUGH. Your kids want you more than they want anyone else in this world… your spouse CHOSE you over all the other people in this world, and you are on this earth to leave your mark. You matter and you are definitely enough.

And even if you aren’t married or have no children… you are still enough. You are still on this earth for a reason, even if it is to only lead a happy life and bring happiness to others. No matter what your destiny is, you are enough.

9. Make time for self care.

This is seriously SO important. At the end of a “bad” day, skip the cleaning and other household chores and just take care of your mental health. Find something that you love to do and spend time for yourself. If you need some self-care ideas, check out this blog post.

how to see the good in each day

Final Thoughts On How To See The Good In Each Day

We all have bad days. It’s a basic part of life, although it doesn’t seem so basic when it’s happening. Turning your bad day around and remembering the good in your life is possible, however.

Finding a way to remind yourself that there is good in each day can turn your mindset around completely. Who knows, you might be able to turn your entire day around and end your bad day in a positive mood.

What is your favorite motivational quote? When do you find yourself needing reminders of the good in your life? Share in the comments… I’d love to hear about it!

how to see the good in each day
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1 thought on “9 Ways to See The Good In Each Day

  1. These are such fantastic tips that I live by each day! So I know they work.
    Wonderful post for people to read.
    Thank you for sharing.

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