Health, Healthy Living, Learning, Parenting

3 Helpful Dental Care Tips for Your Kids

dental care tips for kids

Oral hygiene is a healthy habit that you should practice daily. Research reveals that dental issues could affect your kids’ daily activities, including talking and eating, with about 50% of children having cavity issues by age five. This makes it crucial to prioritize your kids’ dental health and keep their teeth in good condition. If you don’t know where to begin, here are some practical dental care tips for kids to help.

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Dental Care Tips for Kids

1. Help Them Build Healthy Habits

It’s best to start teaching your kids to brush their teeth regularly right away so that it becomes a habit. Brushing their teeth twice a day is ideal, so aim to brush when they wake up and again before bed. Doing this helps protect their teeth from cavities and tooth decay, and it keeps their teeth strong. Encourage them to brush their gums and tongue, too. 

Make the routine fun by giving them colorful toothbrushes and letting them choose their favorite toothpaste flavor. You can develop a catchy song that you can sing with them together during their brushing routine, too. The song will help them easily remember the steps involved. Building this habit will help ensure that they can independently brush their teeth alone by age 7 or 8.

2. Schedule Regular Dental Visits

Health experts recommend that you visit the dentist at least twice a year. They also encourage parents to start taking their kids to the dentist by their first birthday. Additionally, it’s ideal for kids to visit the dentist at least once every six months.

This practice helps to identify issues early enough to be treated. It also helps them develop the habit of regular dental visits to continue even when they’re adults. Before taking them to their appointment, it’s best to sensitize them by letting them read a fun book about dentists. Or, spend time telling them what to expect to allay any fears or concerns they may have. Dental care service providers such as Comfort Family Dentistry are on hand to cater to your dental needs, including that of your kids. 

3. Encourage a Healthy Diet

Although most kids love sugary foods, it’s not advisable to let them indulge all the time. Help them avoid too much sugar by encouraging more fruits and vegetables in their diet. Reduce carbonated drinks as much as possible, too. Foods rich in calcium will also help strengthen their teeth, while sugary foods and drinks can ruin their oral health.

Whenever they consume sugary stuff, they should brush their teeth right after to avoid decay. You can make this more convenient by having fruits and veggies already chopped up in the fridge. With this simple meal prep, you can easily give your kids healthy snacks when they’re hungry before dinner. Plus, fruits and veggies will help with reducing their craving for sugary snacks. 

dental care tips for kids

Helpful Dental Care Tips for Kids

Without help from an adult, kids will struggle to develop proper oral hygiene. It must be learned, so helping your child develop good habits now will make a huge difference. Try these dental care tips for kids to make the process a little easier on both of you.

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