Holiday, On My Mind

28 Life Lessons in 28 Years

life lessons

I turned 28 on the 11th (and my baby turned 2 the same day!!) and I spent quite a bit of time reminiscing and reflecting on the past years of my life. With the reflection came some of the life lessons I have learned along the way. There have been so many events in my past that I always think I would want to go back and change but, if those events never happened, I wouldn’t have been able to learn these lessons. So, I guess I should say that I am thankful for the “bad” events in my life since they have guided my learning and living.

I want to be able to remember and recall these lessons quickly if need be. When I am having a bad day or beating myself up about something, I would love to be able to come back here, reference this post, and remember all of the things I’ve learned along the way. So, without further ado, here are 28 life lessons that I have learned in the past 28 years.

Life Lessons I Have Learned

1. You have to learn to love yourself.

2. You have to learn to admit when you are wrong.

3. If you realize something isn’t working for you, it’s OK to change your mind.

4. The opinion of others SHOULD NOT MATTER.

5. You have to say no sometimes.

6. You must communicate with your partner.

7. Being “ready” is impossible.

With all things in life, you will never be completely ready. For a baby, marriage, a new job, etc. You just have to have faith and jump in, ready or not, when life throws huge events your way. If you spend your time waiting until things are perfect or waiting to feel completely comfortable, you will never be able to get things done.

8. Friends are important, even if you are in a relationship.

9. You are harder on yourself than anyone else is.

10. Your past doesn’t define who you are now.

You should consider this when you are thinking of yourself, but also when you are thinking of other people. Everyone deserves a second chance.

11. Mental health and self-care should be a top priority.

I cannot stress this one enough. I spent too much time putting everyone else first when I desperately needed to think of my own well-being. Spending some time taking care of myself and doing things that I enjoy, as well as doing things to promote positive mental health (such as supplementing with natural remedies such as turmeric) all helped along the way.

12. Be honest with yourself and others.

Speaking of mental health, mine stands in the way of my honesty sometimes. I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes when I say that I am “busy”, I’m really not. I sometimes despise myself for this, but it is easier (at the time), than saying that my depression/anxiety is standing in the way of my social life and that I just want to hibernate in my home until I’m feeling better.

Taking the easy way out may seem like the best option, but it really isn’t. People who truly care about you will understand what you are feeling, and they will respect you for being honest about why you can’t hang out or show up to an event.

13. Stop comparing yourself to others!!

14. Don’t lose your cool when people are looking.

15. Stop wishing your life away.

16. Appreciate the people who are honest with you.

Even if you don’t want to admit the truth.

17. Having kids is HARD, but so fulfilling.

18. There comes a point in life when age really is unimportant.

My husband is 11 years older than me, and we are truly perfect together.

19. Don’t settle!

Jobs, relationships, big investments, etc. Be patient until you find the perfect one for you.

20. Help others whenever you can.

21. You have to be your own person outside of your relationship.

Continue pursuing your own hobbies. Don’t let go of everything you love to do what your partner likes to do.

22. The worst that can happen is that they say no.

23. Avoid debt of all kinds.

24. Follow a budget!!!

25. Co-Parenting is HARD, but it does make life easier.

Happier kids, less stress, and just a more relaxed situation overall.

26. Never take out a student loan.

I learned this a little too late, and my job doesn’t even require a degree. I would take a pay cut if I took a job that I would need my degree for. Now, I have student loan payments monthly for pretty much the rest of my life.

27. Simplicity is key.

28. Children’s artwork DOES count as home decor.

life lessons

Life Lessons From My Husband

My husband wanted to offer some of his own life lessons, which are really helpful. Or something.

  1. Don’t zip your pants zipper too quickly.
  2. Do not lick a frozen pole.
  3. Don’t go chasing waterfalls. (Courtesy of TLC)
  4. Don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys. (Courtesy of Waylon Jennings & Willie Nelson)

Final Thoughts On 28 Life Lessons in 28 Years

Most of the lessons I’ve learned in life were learned the hard way. I’m sure many of you can relate to at least some of my mistakes.

I know that I’m missing some key lessons, so I’m sure I can relate to some of yours as well!! Leave a comment and let me know some of the life lessons you’ve learned in your years on this earth.

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