To all the new moms, congratulations! You’ve successfully entered the phase of motherhood. Becoming a mom is a feeling beyond measure, especially if it is your first time. Every day is filled with joy and happiness when you see your little one smile. But here’s the thing: sometimes, new moms tend to forget about something super important – taking care…
Tag: Me Time
19 Practical Self Care and Me Time Ideas For Adults
When life gets busy, it’s hard to find time for practical self care, but it is SO important that you squeeze in a little each day. A couple of hours to yourself is ideal, but sometimes you can only squeeze in 15 minutes at a time. That’s okay! A little time is better than no time at all, and you…
How to Balance a Busy Life and Still Take Care of YOU
Guys, life is CRAZY busy. I’m sure most of you feel the same way. It’s an overwhelming feeling, just knowing that there is ALWAYS something to be done, and finding a way to balance a busy life is the only answer to easing some of those feelings. I have this overwhelmed feeling quite often, but I’m realizing that it’s even…
6 Step Morning Routine that Will Make You Want to Wake Up Before The Kids
Mornings are hectic if you wake up at the same time as your kids. You won’t be able to have even a few minutes of quiet time before the morning craziness begins. Getting kids ready for school, daycare, or wherever you go that day can lead to stress. This is why it is important to follow a morning routine that…
9 Ways to See The Good In Each Day
“Every day may not be good… but there’s something good in every day.” Alice Morse Earle This quote from Alice Morse Earle, an American Historian, is one of my all time favorites. It is the best quote for when I am struggling to find the positive aspects of my life. We all (I think) struggle with being a negative Nancy…
28 Life Lessons in 28 Years
I turned 28 on the 11th (and my baby turned 2 the same day!!) and I spent quite a bit of time reminiscing and reflecting on the past years of my life. With the reflection came some of the life lessons I have learned along the way. There have been so many events in my past that I always think…