In this guest post,Valentina Wilson explains different businesses and online money-making ideas. Valentina is a writer and blogger who specializes in personal finance and positive change. Valentina has a master’s degree in financial journalism and seven years of experience in personal banking and believes that small behavioral changes are the key to achieving financial freedom. Check out her blog, Best…
Category: Life
A Guide To Showing Up For A Grieving Loved One
If your loved one is grieving, you’ll know better than anyone that they need help and support. Showing up for somebody who is grieving isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but your support will mean a lot to them and could help them to further move through the stages of grief. Below, we’ll take a look at how you…
3 Tips for Getting Less Stressed about the Small Stuff
Pixabay CC0 License Life contains a number of different sources of stress, which can wear you down quickly. Before it becomes too much, you should find a way to get less stressed about the small stuff. Between rushing the kids around, dealing with household chores, meeting work deadlines, and staying on top of appointments, you will find yourself feeling overwhelmed…
2020 Calendar Printables – Free!
Hey guys! I have definitely been slacking on posting regular blog posts since the quarantine started! So, to make up for it, I’m giving you guys free 2020 calendar printables for the rest of the year! Am I the only one who feels like they can’t keep up even though we’re home literally all of the time? I hope not,…
Alternative Methods of Opening Wine Without a Corkscrew
You are so excited to attend your best friend’s party! You arrived early to help prepare and set up. However, while doing an inventory of needed party materials, you realized something: your friend doesn’t have a corkscrew! And the party will start soon! What should you do? In times like these, creativity is your greatest asset. You must find a…
April Calendar Printable With Blank Title
Hey everyone! I hope you’re all staying healthy and safe. If you’re an essential employee, thank you for running things! Everyone else, please stay home so we can get the world running normally again ASAP! You can occupy yourself while you’re at home by printing and filling out the April 2020 calendar that I’m sharing below! If you need some…
15 Fun and Easy Ways to Keep Kids Busy at Home
When you’re stuck at home with your kids, you might all go a little stir crazy. You can avoid it and have some fun by learning how to keep kids busy at home. Some of these ideas will require assistance and/or participation from you (or another adult or older sibling). Of course, I know you will need ideas for how…
Covid-19: How to Help Small Businesses Amidst the Coronavirus Outbreak
With all the business shutdowns and event cancellations to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19), many small businesses are struggling. This means lost funds for employees and business owners and no income to support their families or pay bills. For some small business, this means returning deposits received from customers for events that now have to be canceled. This could…
Free Printables: Paycheck Budget & Chore Chart
One of my New Year’s resolutions was to create a simpler chore chart than what I’d previously been using. My original one was literally four pages long. Well, when I decided to buckle down and create the simple chore chart I was wishing for, I decided to come up with one other freebie, bringing you the two free printables I’m…
New Year’s Resolutions – Goals for 2020
With the new year quickly approaching, we are likely all thinking of our New Year’s resolutions and coming up with ideas of how to be happier, healthier, or more successful in 2020. I know I am! Before coming up with resolutions for 2020, however, I wanted to revisit the goals I’d set for myself to accomplish in 2019. Some of…