Adulting, Big Kid, Big kid fun, Family Activities, Holiday, How To, Parenting, Summer, Teenager, Toddler and Preschool Age Fun

4 Simple Ways to Celebrate the 4th of July at Home

simple ways to celebrate the 4th of july, 4th of july at home, july 4th, independence day

Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays, and in my eyes, it’s the highlight of summer. On the 4th of July, my family normally celebrates by going to a barbeque, playing in the water, spending time relaxing outside and watching fireworks. I also try to do something fun to teach my kids about the meaning of the day. This…

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How To, On My Mind

9 Ways to See The Good In Each Day

how to see the good in each day

“Every day may not be good… but there’s something good in every day.” Alice Morse Earle This quote from Alice Morse Earle, an American Historian, is one of my all time favorites. It is the best quote for when I am struggling to find the positive aspects of my life. We all (I think) struggle with being a negative Nancy…

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Big Kid, Big kid fun, Family Activities, How To, Our Family, Parenting, Teenager, Toddler and Preschool Age Fun

Spring Sports Season: 5 Ways to Survive

spring sports

The moment we have all been waiting for has finally arrived… SPRING IS HERE!! Do you know what tiny little event most of us forgot about? Spring sports season AKA: THE BUSIEST SPORTS SEASON OF THE YEAR. I am so serious… spring sports seem to be busier than any other season. This may all be in my head (and the…

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Big Kid, Family Activities, How To, Our Family, Parenting, Toddler and Preschool Age Learning

Build Your Child’s Vocabulary: 9 Tips For Parents

Build Your Child's Vocabulary

When your child begins going to school they will be more successful if they have an expansive vocabulary. Not only will it help them communicate and understand better, but it will also help them learn to read. This is why it is so important to build your child’s vocabulary. The vocabulary that your child already knows and is familiar with…

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