Adulting, Life

7 Smart Things You Can Do Right Now To Plan For Retirement

Plan For Retirement

Financial security in your retirement will need some advance planning, and you’re never too young to start planning. If you prepare in advance for your retirement you can better manage your finances to make your money last as long as possible and plan ahead in case of illness or another incapacity.  1. Start saving as early as you can The…

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Adulting, Big Kid, Life, Organization, Our Family, Parenting, Printables, Teenager

Free Printables: Paycheck Budget & Chore Chart

problem solving freebies, easy budget, budget for beginners, paycheck budget printable, weekly budget, easy chore chart, simple chore chart, free budget

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to create a simpler chore chart than what I’d previously been using. My original one was literally four pages long. Well, when I decided to buckle down and create the simple chore chart I was wishing for, I decided to come up with one other freebie, bringing you the two free printables I’m…

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Big Kid, Big kid fun, Family Activities, Holiday, Our Family, Parenting, Printables, Summer, Teenager, Toddler and Preschool Age Fun

19 Things to Do In Summer 2019 – A Summer Bucket List

things to do this summer bucket list printable, summer 2019

We get 18 delicious summers with our children. This is one of your 18. If that’s not perspective, I don’t know what is.” -Jessica Scott Believe it or not, summer will be here before we know it. My big kids only have one week of school left, and my preschooler has been done for almost two weeks now. Our summer…

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Big Kid, Big kid fun, Family Activities, Holiday, Home, How To, Our Family, Parenting, Printables, Teenager, Toddler and Preschool Age Fun, Toddler and Preschool Age Learning

30 Things to Do This Spring With Free Spring Bucketlist Printable

things to do this spring

Spring is FINALLY here and while the temperatures in Michigan still keep slipping into the high 30’s, I think we will soon get some relief. Since next week is supposed to be significantly warmer, I knew I had to move quickly and take the list of things to do this spring out of my notebook and turn it into an…

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